Borrowing materials


Who may borrow library materials?

Residents of Ohio may acquire a card upon showing proof of residence and a current photo I.D. (ex: a valid driver’s license). Minors need the signature of their parent or legal guardian who can restrict their child’s borrowing to juvenile materials if they wish.
Maximum number of items per card:

  • Maximum of 75 items total.

Loan periods:

  • DVDs: 7 days
  • New books, periodicals, music, board games, experience passes: 14 days
  • Books, audiobooks: 28 days
  • Interlibrary loan materials: Determined by loaning library
  • Reference items and current periodicals may not be checked out.

    *Items may be automatically renewed up to three times as long as the items are not reserved for other patrons.


  • Patrons can place holds on materials and renew materials online
  • Patron ID number is the whole card number.  The PIN is the last 4 digits of your primary phone number.

Patron responsibilities:

  • Patrons are required to present a library card or photo ID to check out items or use the Internet computers.
  • If a patron loses his or her card, it is the responsibility of the patron to notify the library, and pay a $1.00 fee for a replacement card.
  • Patrons with overdue, unreturned material cannot borrow until all items are returned or paid for in full.
  • Items overdue for more than 90 days will be marked as lost and the patron will be billed for the replacement cost of the item(s).  The patron will be charged the full replacement cost for any lost or damaged item.  The lost or damaged item becomes the property of the patron when the cost of the item is paid in full.  No refunds are given for lost items that are returned after the patron has paid for the item.
  • The Library is not responsible for damage to any personal equipment to property (such as, but not limited to, DVD players, CD players, or computer hardware) due to the use of Library materials.
  • There is a book return box located in front of the library for overnight returns. All material types, except board games, may be placed in the book return.
  • Experience passes are available to be checked out for 14 days. Borrowers must be 18 or older and have a Pataskala Library card. Experience passes can be reserved, but cannot be renewed. Borrowers will be charged the total replacement cost, as set in the catalog, for any lost or damaged passes.
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Lost & Damaged Items Policy Change.pdf 91.73 KB