Community Room

Community Room 


The Pataskala Public Library will sponsor and publicize occasional educational and family events in the community room as a part of its regular programming. This space may also be scheduled for educational, cultural, intellectual, professional, or civic activities where a diversity of viewpoints is permitted and will benefit the residents of the community. 


The room will accommodate individual speakers, discussion groups, AV presentations, community programs, and board or committee meetings. The maximum seating capacity is 84. The room is equipped with chairs, tables, a large screen TV, podium, mini-fridge, trash cans, and a Keurig coffee maker. A smart board may be available upon request.  


The following guidelines will be followed when using the community room: 


  • The person making a room reservation must be the person using the room, an authorized representative of the organization, and be at least 18 years old. On the day of the event, the requestor must present a picture ID that must match the name on the reservation. 
  • The community room is available to reserve between 6:00 AM-11:00 PM seven days a week. 
  • An adult must always be present and responsible for the supervision of minors under the age of 18 in the room. 
  • Use of the community room is free. 
  • The community room may not be reserved for a single individual. 
  • The community room is handicapped accessible. 
  • Attendees may not exceed the posted occupancy rate for the community room as established by the Pataskala Fire Marshal. Adequate aisle space must be provided, and doors cannot be blocked. Users should become familiar with restroom location and emergency exit door. 
  • Reservations may be made no more than ninety (90) days in advance of the event but at least five (5) days prior to the event unless approved by the Executive Director or administrative staff. The room is available on a first-come, first-served basis.  
  • Patrons can view community room availability, reserve the room, and manage their reservations through the Library’s digital reservation software, by bringing in a completed reservation form to the Library, or calling the Library. Clicking on Request a Meeting Room and making a request to use the community room constitutes understanding and acceptance of the applicable Library policies. Failure to abide by the Library policies may result in assessment of damages and/or loss of future privileges. Reservations are not finalized until approval is received from a Library staff member. If there are outstanding issues, Library staff will contact the requestor. 
  • The Library has the right to review and reject any application if it is determined the organization has abused its past privileges in using the community room, including, but not limited to, violation of accepted policies for disruptive behavior, failure to exit the room/building on time, vandalism, theft, or damage. 
  • Reservations are non-transferable. 
  • Cancellations should be made as soon as possible to allow others use of the room. The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation if the attendees have not arrived within the first half hour after the reservation start time. Failure to cancel with at least a 48-hours’ notice may result in denying the group further use of this meeting space. The Library reserves the right to cancel at any time due to acts of nature or situations warranting an emergency closing at the facility. By policy, the Library will be closed when Licking County declares a Level II or Level III snow emergency. 
  • Alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted unless approved by the Executive Director or administrative staff for a private, closed eventOccupants approved to serve alcohol must obtain the appropriate liquor license, if needed, and provide the Library with a copy of the liquor license one week in advance of the event. Per policy, tobacco products of any kind are not permitted on Library property. 
  • Food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted during an approved event. The Library does not accommodate on-site food preparation. 
  • Open flames or candles are not permitted in any space per the Pataskala Fire Marshal. 
  • Non-Library sponsored groups using the room may not charge fees to participate unless approved by the Executive Director or administrative staff, with the exception of the Friends of the Pataskala Library fundraising activities.  The Library may choose to partner with organizations or businesses to provide fee-based services if they are deemed to be in the public interest and serve the mission of the Library. 
  • The use of the meeting room by a non-Library group shall NOT be promoted in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship of the group’s activity unless the activity is truly co-sponsored by the Library. Use of the Library logo is strictly prohibited.  All non-Library sponsored publicity or marketing materials that include the Library’s name and address must include the disclaimer: This event is not sponsored by the Pataskala Public Library.  
  • Room occupants are not permitted to tack, tape, post, or write on the room doors, walls, or windows. 
  • The name, address, or telephone number of the Library may not be used as contact information for events.  Library staff will not be responsible for answering questions about the event beyond the time, date, and location. 
  • Any videos viewed by three or more people must have PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS. 
  • Each group using the room is responsible for its own equipment and for setting up the room and returning it to its original condition, with trash properly disposed, tabletops/countertops cleaned, and refrigerator emptied.  Library furniture or equipment should not be moved in or out of the room.  Groups cannot leave or store their equipment at the Library overnight.  Food, beverages, or loose materials left following an event will be discarded.  Any personal belongings found will be placed in the Library lost and found and discarded after 30 days. 
  • The Library assumes no liability for theft or damage to property brought onto public property or for injuries which occur as a result of actions of sponsors or participants taking place in the room. 
  • The individual or group reserving the room will be responsible for the order and conduct of the group and for any loss or damage to Library property. Failure to comply may result in assessment of damages and/or loss of future privileges. 
  • The room must be vacated by the agreed closing time. 
  • Meetings held in this space must not disturb or interfere with normal Library operations. 
  • Library staff are permitted to observe or monitor any event at any time. 


Private Events  


The community room may be used by organizations for private events. Private events may not interfere with regular Library operations and/or Library-sponsored events. Private events may not include fundraisers, personal events such as wedding receptions, birthday parties or similar social gatherings, or the selling of goods and/or services for profit. The Executive Director and administrative staff have final approval for private event reservations. 


Behavior guidelines:

So that everyone may better enjoy their visit to the library, we ask each patron, regardless of age, to respect the rights of others by following these rules:

  • The following are not permitted inside the library:
  • Eating, drinking, smoking, weapons, or sleeping
  • Pets, except service animals
  • Loud or boisterous talking and conversation, including the use of threatening or profane, obscene, or abusive language, including racial, ethnic, or sexual orientation epithets
  • Rollerblades, skates, and skateboards
  • Begging, soliciting, and selling (unless authorized by library administrators)
  • Bathing and shaving in the restrooms
  • Taking photographs and/or recording videos of Library staff and/or patrons without their permission.
  • Shirts and shoes are required to be worn in the library.
  • Bicycles must be parked on the racks outside. We advise the use of a lock. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen personal property.
  • Smoking, skateboarding, skating, and rollerblading are not permitted on library property.
  • Destruction of library materials and property is prohibited.
  • Persons who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or pose a health risk to others are not permitted in the library and will be asked to leave.
  • Willful damage, attempted theft, or vandalism of library materials can result in a block on the patron’s library account, banning the patron from the library and/or cause for prosecution.
  • The library reserves the right to expel any person whose behavior and/or clothing is determined to be disruptive, inappropriate to the library environment, or prevents the use of the library by other users.
  • Children under age 8 must be supervised by a parent or responsible companion. All children must be picked up before closing time.
  • Library staff has been instructed to call the police department, if necessary, for assistance in any situation that appears to threaten the safety of a library patron or staff member.